The Entrepreneur Mindset

Tired of being under pressure, tired of seeing your business fall apart, you want to help flip your business around but do not know how! You are losing as we speak and wonder why?


Are you thinking of opening your own Business?  Or are you a struggling Business Owner that has put all their money, hopes and dreams in a Business that is struggling and which is causing them lots of struggle and loss of sleep..


You see, I went into the Business world blinded to the challenges I could face, blinded to what could go wrong, blinded to the difficult times and how that could impact my life and turn it to a very sad, lonely and even depressing at times, I reached to a level that I felt like a failure and that I even questioned myself, what if I was not cut to the Business world!  Until I had a very honest session with myself and analysed what was going wrong and how it went wrong, and learnt new techniques, believes and wore a new dress of confidence which helped me turn around a business in debt, a business that was failing, a business that even business partners walked away from to a profitable business that is my cash cow, that is my main source of income and comfortable and luxury lifestyle!


No one has ever spoken about those lessons and their importance for every single Entrepreneur or any individual who's seeking to be successful in their area of expertise, no one told us to have those principles checklist as we grow into our Business!


I will teach you the summary of hundreds of books, courses, masterminds and my own trial and error experience of my 15 years journey as a Business owner that helped me stand tall, grow no matter what the market was doing, advance when I saw my business partners collapsing, flip my business from a loss to a profit in a year when I thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel and most importantly found my own individual happiness! 


Finding  my Happiness is by itself a feeling that I can not and will not put a price on, as it impacts me and everyone around me, even my Business!  Having a successful and profitable Business, needs a happy, successful leader in order to lead the Business into Success!


In my course I will share with you 28 Videos of the most important habits, mindset and beliefs which I learnt over the years and started practicing, which enabled me to transform my life and turn my business around!


I spent the past 20 years trying to find the answer to what makes a person successful and how to achieve it myself, and now that I have felt it, experienced it and am confident about it, I wanted to share it with the world for a minimal price, as I do not want anyone to feel the pain I felt and the stress I had to go through when my Business was not performing the way it had to, when bills were piling up, when debt was surrounding me and I felt like I was suffocating on a daily basis until I learnt and mastered those new sets of believes/skills and changed my mindset!


If you invest in my course we will cover steps that could help you overcome challenging times, you will learn efficient steps that could prepare you to face Business challenges with an open eye and mind.


It is not about an overnight success story, and it is not about a magic wand that will flip your life around the minute you listen to the course, those are lessons and techniques I learnt over the course of 15 years summarized in one place, some were easy to practice others needed a constant reminder from my self to keep going.


Those techniques are the basic foundation of any Entrepreneur's personality and not a replacement of the business plan, the financial plan, the marketing plan and the business continuity plan (Which are all vital and important for your Business Success).



The contents of this training, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes and not for the purpose of rendering medical or mental health advice. The contents of this training are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen. lifestyle, and or mental health care



Testimonials contained here are of actual customer experiences. The information, however, does not represent all client’s typical experience. Results are dependent upon experience and will vary based on effort, education, business model, and market forces sometimes beyond our control. Please note that "The Entrepreneur Mindset" is not offering a business opportunity. "The Entrepreneur Mindset" teaches skills and insight drawn from their experiences. There are no guarantees of earnings. "The Entrepreneur Mindset" does not currently have documentation to show the average returns or results of its clients. Your results may vary."

The Entrepreneur Mindset

Tired of being under pressure, tired of seeing your business fall apart, you want to help flip your business around but do not know how! You are losing as we speak and wonder why?


Are you thinking of opening your own Business?  Or are you a struggling Business Owner that has put all their money, hopes and dreams in a Business that is struggling and which is causing them lots of struggle and loss of sleep..


You see, I went into the Business world blinded to the challenges I could face, blinded to what could go wrong, blinded to the difficult times and how that could impact my life and turn it to a very sad, lonely and even depressing at times, I reached to a level that I felt like a failure and that I even questioned myself, what if I was not cut to the Business world!  Until I had a very honest session with myself and analysed what was going wrong and how it went wrong, and learnt new techniques, believes and wore a new dress of confidence which helped me turn around a business in debt, a business that was failing, a business that even business partners walked away from to a profitable business that is my cash cow, that is my main source of income and comfortable and luxury lifestyle!


No one has ever spoken about those lessons and their importance for every single Entrepreneur or any individual who's seeking to be successful in their area of expertise, no one told us to have those principles checklist as we grow into our Business!


I will teach you the summary of hundreds of books, courses, masterminds and my own trial and error experience of my 15 years journey as a Business owner that helped me stand tall, grow no matter what the market was doing, advance when I saw my business partners collapsing, flip my business from a loss to a profit in a year when I thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel and most importantly found my own individual happiness! 


Finding  my Happiness is by itself a feeling that I can not and will not put a price on, as it impacts me and everyone around me, even my Business!  Having a successful and profitable Business, needs a happy, successful leader in order to lead the Business into Success!


In my course I will share with you 28 Videos of the most important habits, mindset and beliefs which I learnt over the years and started practicing, which enabled me to transform my life and turn my business around!


I spent the past 20 years trying to find the answer to what makes a person successful and how to achieve it myself, and now that I have felt it, experienced it and am confident about it, I wanted to share it with the world for a minimal price, as I do not want anyone to feel the pain I felt and the stress I had to go through when my Business was not performing the way it had to, when bills were piling up, when debt was surrounding me and I felt like I was suffocating on a daily basis until I learnt and mastered those new sets of believes/skills and changed my mindset!


If you invest in my course we will cover steps that could help you overcome challenging times, you will learn efficient steps that could prepare you to face Business challenges with an open eye and mind.


It is not about an overnight success story, and it is not about a magic wand that will flip your life around the minute you listen to the course, those are lessons and techniques I learnt over the course of 15 years summarized in one place, some were easy to practice others needed a constant reminder from my self to keep going.


Those techniques are the basic foundation of any Entrepreneur's personality and not a replacement of the business plan, the financial plan, the marketing plan and the business continuity plan (Which are all vital and important for your Business Success).



The contents of this training, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes and not for the purpose of rendering medical or mental health advice. The contents of this training are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen. lifestyle, and or mental health care



Testimonials contained here are of actual customer experiences. The information, however, does not represent all client’s typical experience. Results are dependent upon experience and will vary based on effort, education, business model, and market forces sometimes beyond our control. Please note that "The Entrepreneur Mindset" is not offering a business opportunity. "The Entrepreneur Mindset" teaches skills and insight drawn from their experiences. There are no guarantees of earnings. "The Entrepreneur Mindset" does not currently have documentation to show the average returns or results of its clients. Your results may vary."

Access to this Mastermind

Price: 2 BHD

Created by:
Abeer Husaini

Sold by: Abeer Husaini

Contact owner:  [email protected]

Access other courses by Abeer Husaini

An Entrepreneur with 15 years experience running my own ventures and a certified Rapid Transformation Therapist to add some knowledge behind how to change your Life


After 15 years of being in Business building and running my own Business, failing and succeeding there was an inner voice that said there is more to you than Business, and that was when I decided to venture in the programming of the Mind and how that impacts your everyday life, your business and everyone around you.

You see our thoughts control our emotions and our emotions control our actions and our actions control the quality of our life.  

Having understood the above being an Entrepreneur, being a Business leader needs a set of thoughts and habits to be successful in your journey and I would like to take my full life experience and share it with the ones that are looking to make a positive change in their lives and in their Businesses. 

If you are already in Business and going through some turbulence times or if you are clueless of what you have gotten your self into or even better you are just about to enter into the Business world my advice to you along side all the financial, analytical and research which has been done for the Business idea, you must also have personality qualities which will prepare you for this exciting journey 

Learn from my experience helping Entrepreneurs around the world build a better them, a better leader and hence a better business.  I have spend the past 3 years of my life helping, advising and consulting other Entrepreneurs to have a better journey, having helped hundreds in the past 3 years, I have come to the realization that success starts from within!

The number one rule, that will make your journey a better one, is that you must be welcoming to change!